Republic Fitness

The Afterburn Effect

By blog, Workout

Topic: The Afterburn Effect Afterburn, also known as EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) is a term used for the effects that take place after your workout has been completed. Even though you have completed your workout and are on to the next item on your agenda, your body is…

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Republic Fitness

Ways to Save: Health Insurance Reimbursement

By Reps

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to submit your 2019 health insurance reimbursement by the end of March to your insurance company. Reward yourself with up to $300 in reimbursement for working out at Republic. We make it easy for our members to save! We have provided links to major…

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Republic Fitness

Breakfast On The Go

By blog

Jumping up out of bed once the alarm goes off to get to the gym? Trying to get a quick workout in before work? Many times, people will head to the gym early in the AM and then go right to work. For many, the morning is the best time…

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