Personal Training

Optimize your strength with our Personal Training program at Republic Fitness. To learn more and be matched with a trainer, please fill out the form or email

Named “Best Trainers in Boston,” our seasoned personal training staff is ready to create a game plan for you to optimize your workouts and achieve even more. Whether you’re starting from scratch and need to build a foundation or you need an edge to get to the next level of your fitness, our trainers will provide a roadmap with customized workouts tailored specifically to your needs.

Our Trainers

Tier 1

Personal Trainers, develop client programming specific to the needs of each individual. Provide the foundations of fitness with a focus on progression.

Britney M (She/Her/Hers)

General Manager / Fitness Director

Education and Certifications

B.A. Mathematics, University of Hartford
NFPT Certified Personal Trainer
Pre/Post Natal Fitness

Training Philosophy

My philosophy is that everyone is unique and therefore trains differently. Remember that what works for someone else may not work for you but know that there is something out there that will. Staying positive and motivated is the key to your success and I'm here to help. No matter what, you are here for you and that is the first step in the right direction.

Danny A (He/Him/His)

Tier 1 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications

American Academy of Personal Training
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
AAPT Certified Pre/Post-Natal

Training Philosophy

I care deeply about my clients, and there’s nothing of more value to me than helping somebody go through an experience that makes them happy, confident, and strong. I realize how not feeling fit and confident affects many aspects of life, and I want to be there for you and help you discover the benefits and joys of training that helped me become the person I am today. I’m here to be your personal guide on every step of the journey.

Kelsey P (She/Her/Hers)

Tier 1 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Training Philosophy

I challenge the belief that we are undeserving of prioritizing our own well- being. Beyond building strength and endurance, my approach to fitness creates a space where self-love and confidence can thrive unapologetically as we work towards your goals. This journey that I'll guide you through is one where you aren't confined to any mold or burdened by external expectations. Instead, we'll be crafting a narrative that is uniquely yours. One that celebrates your individuality and what makes you great. As the protagonist of your story, we focus on your growth and what you want to come from it. Every step we take we'll take together in what will without a doubt become the captivating page turner that is your story. Once you start, you won't want to put it down.

Luis S (He/Him/His)

Tier 1 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications


Training Philosophy

I believe that investing in yourself is the best choice you can make throughout your life. Exercising and fitness should not feel like a burden, on the other hand, it should be a part of your lifestyle that you can enjoy daily. Feeling good about yourself in the gym will translate into your personal life and wellbeing, and I'd love to help get you there. No matter what goals or what barriers you may have, I am here to help and guide you through this journey.

Tier 3

Personal Trainers are seasoned professionals with 3+ years of experience develop programming for those with injuries and health limitations. Recovering from an injury, looking for pre/post natal training or progressing to your next level of fitness.

Khalil M (He/Him/His)

Tier 3 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications

B.A. Music-Berklee College of Music; NASM Certified Personal Trainer; SCA Certified Boxing Coach; Precision Nutrition Coach; NASM Certified Stretching and Flexibility Coach; Pre/Post-Natal Certified

Areas Of Expertise

Strength and Conditioning, Weight Loss, Functional Training, Cardiovascular Fitness

Training Philosophy

I am a huge believer of functionality over the aesthetic. My view is that no matter where you are in your fitness journey you can always be healthier, get stronger, and feel more confident. I take pride in helping and motivating others to meet and exceed their goals.

Tier 4

Highly trained and experienced Certified Professional Trainers with 8+ years of experience. In addition to their commitment to our members, our tier 4 trainers provide mentorship and education for our team of Personal Trainers.

Jason S (He/Him/His)

Tier 4 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications

B.S. Kinesiology; University of Massachusetts - Amherst
CFSC – Mike Boyle
Precision Nutrition Coach
Titleist Performance Institute

Training Philosophy

Exercise and fitness shouldn't feel like an insurmountable obstacle. It should meet you where you're at. I take pride in adjusting an exercise program to meet clients where they're at: regardless of age, we all have unique movement capacity and lifestyles. My goal is to make it simple and easy to make exercise, nutrition, and movement a part of your lifestyle. I specialize in assessment and prescription of lifestyle and exercise interventions that will make the best of your time – whether trying to get out of pain, improve a lift, or figure out where and how to get started

Kalin F (He/Him/His)

Tier 4 Personal Trainer

Education and Certifications

Bachelor’s Degree, Sport and Fitness Administration/Management National Sport Academy ISSA, TRX Ripped, Pre/Post/Natal Client, Kettlebell Certified, Bulgarian Bag

Areas Of Expertise

Strength Training, Hypertrophy, Functional Movement Training, Bulgarian Bag, Weight Loss, Kettlebell, Bodybuilding Contest Preparation

Training Philosophy

Results don't appear overnight. In my 10 years of fitness experience, I have experienced and implemented many different methods of training. My education and research on how to achieve various fitness goals and physiques has helped me to assist in improving the lives of others. My best advice to people is to keep it simple. The basics can generate incredible results, and consistency is key! I look forward to helping you achieve your fitness goals!

Tier 3

With advanced skill, multiple certifications and 5+ years of experience. Capable of training clients at any level. If you have a medical condition or physical limitation, you may feel more comfortable partnering with a tier 3 trainer. Additionally, our level III trainers can help you prepare for any event or race.