Frequently Asked Questions

Tell Me More About The 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We are confident you will love our club, so we offer a 10-day money-back guarantee.  If for any reason your new membership is not what you expect, please come talk to us so we can try to make it right. If you would still like to cancel, please submit a request here  within 10 days of joining and we will refund any dues or fees you have paid and cancel your membership immediately . After 10 days, standard cancellation policies apply.

When Am I Billed For My Membership?

Memberships are billed bi-weekly. The first payment is typically due two weeks after your start date and bi-weekly thereafter. From time to time, we run special promotions which delays this first payment date.

Are There Other Fees?

Our memberships have a $69.99 annual facilities enhancement fee. This fee is billed three weeks after you join and annually on that date.

Digital+ Memberships do not have any other fees.

Do You Increase Membership Rates?

To allow us to pay our staff fairly and keep up with all our expenses, we typically increase our membership dues annually.

If you are on a commit membership, your increase will take place after your commitment ends. All other members will be increased at the same time. We will send out an email about 4 weeks before our annual increase to your email address on file unless you have opted out of our emails.

What Is The Process For Changing Or Canceling My Membership?

All membership change request can be submitted through our Online Membership Request Center.  Any questions, feel free to come into the club or call us at 617.859.8700.

Are There Any Fees To Cancel My Membership?

After submitting your cancelation, you will be billed just one more billing cycle.

With our Pay As You Go+, Flex and “Non-commit” membership options, there are no cancelation fees.

With our Commit memberships, there is a $200 buy-out charge if you cancel before 26 (bi-weekly) payments: this contract buy-out would allow you to not be responsible for the rest of your 26-payment contract.

Can I Freeze My Membership And What Is The Process?

We allow members to freeze your membership for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 6 months per calendar year for personal reasons at $6/bi-weekly.

If I Choose The Commit Option, What Happens After 26 Bi-Weekly Dues Payments?

If you enrolled with a Commit membership, your membership adjusts to our Flex membership option after your 26th (bi-weekly) dues payment. You will continue to be billed automatically, no need to manually renew.

If I Choose Pay As You Go+, How Does Club Access Work?

With your Pay As You Go+ membership, you may check in to any of our Healthworks or Republic locations and we will auto-bill you $20/visit using your card on file. This is a great option for someone who is only physically near our clubs 3-5 times a month. The $20 fee is waived if meeting with a trainer during your visit.

Do You Offer Referral Promotions?

Yes, if you refer a friend and they join Republic Fitness, you can choose to receive $50 off your membership or a free personal training session! If you’re joining and want to make sure your friends gets their bonus, please give us their name when you get started.